Beautiful Blooms

Did you know that with proper care our flowers can last 5-10+ days without preservatives or sprays? Its all about how you are for them! Most conventional flowers have been sprayed with multiple pesticites/herbicides/fungicides to ensure they last long enough….we are talking weeks to get from their field to your table. Not ours! We do our best to cut ours and get them to your table quick enough to enjoy them for days while working with the normal vase life…no sprays included.


  • Start with a clean vessel, ensure your vase/bucket/jar has been sanitized. Clean with hot soapy water, and give a little swish of vinegar or a drop of bleach. rinse throughoughly.
  • Add clean (filtered if possible) water…like clean enough that you would drink it! Friends this does not include ditch water for sure…just put some in a jar and wait for everything to settle, its not as clean as you would think, may be great for growing plants but not for keeping cut flowers.
  • Trim 1/4-1/2 inch of stems
  • Repeat trim and add fresh water every 2 days
  • keep out of sunlight and away from heat sources.
  • Each bouquet will have some open flowers that die faster and some buds that will open, thats the beauty of fresh flowers! So pull out those dead ones and rearrange to enjoy all the beauty you have left!
  • Remember if you wouldn’t drink out of the vessel/water you are using, the stems of your flowers will get clogged with the bacteria allowed in the water=inability to suck up more water, means inability to hydrate the bloom…Keep it clean clean clean!