Our Farm is set in the beautiful Wenatchee Valley, surrounded by our family’s historical pear, apple and cherry orchard. As you stand in the center of our garden you will see mountains and orchards in every direction! After many productive years, in 2018 many of our oldest pear trees had to be pulled out (this was a sad one for the whole family, but as Dad says, “This is a working orchard, not a park”), we decided to fill the space with flowers. What better way to fill that void and bring some beauty back, right? To our delight, we have been growing flowers in this spot ever since. This garden began as a hobby simply to enjoy flowers in our own homes, we are now so happy to be able to share these beautiful blooms with you! We grow our flowers as naturally as we can. That means more than just organic, we do our best to take care of our soil, pollinators, and the farmers that work on our farm. Some methods we use: No till, cover cropping, interplanting, using trap crops, as well as sourcing as local as possible!

The Farmers

We are a mother daughter team who find great joy in these beautiful flowers and the process it takes to grow them. It was a long time dream to own a cut flower garden together and we are so happy to be doing just that! We have a lot of help around here! Three farm boys, and two strong farm men, as well as helpful sisters/daughters, and friends! We are both nurses (we even went to nursing school at the same time!) and have had the great opportunity to work with a wide range of patients through the years. Though nursing brings much joy, there is always an amount of sorrow mixed in. Our way of coping with all the emotions has always been flowers. Getting outside in the fresh air, and watching things grow just brings a lot of peace and hope to the world. Another way is through our relationship with Jesus, through reading His word, and being reminded of His goodness-enter the beautiful creation He has made…back again to those flowers:)

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

Vickie Newberry-Mima

She loves all things beautiful, we were joking the other day that her favorite thing is just staring at the farm, she loves those flowers that much! She is the true long haul farmer, carrying the flowers from the spring to the fall. Her Loves:

  • Jesus
  • Her Husband Jim (married for 38 years!)
  • Family (4 kids and their spouses and 10 grandkids!)
  • Flowers
  • Nursing
  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Crafting


The planner and dreamer at the farm, She starts the seeds and gets the starts in the ground, mom keeps them alive:) She love all things flowers-growing, experimenting, designing, and eating (the edible ones). Her Loves:

  • Jesus
  • Zach-Husband of 9 years
  • Little Farmers, 3 here and 1 in Heaven
  • Overalls
  • Sparkles
  • Nursing
  • Cooking with our fresh ingredients